Mission Statement:
The Brookston Prairie Township Public Library exists to serve the personal, educational and professional needs of the widest variety of ages and interest possible in Brookston and surrounding area by providing a well-organized collection of materials and services in accessible, functional and attractive surroundings.

The Brookston Prairie Township Public Library is open to the public during regular hours as established by the Library board. The Library’s collections are open to the public at all times that the Library is open. Public access computers and/or public Internet terminals are available to the public while the library is open, except during system maintenance, training, and other downtime.
Library cards and borrowing privileges are available to residents and property tax payers of Brookston and Prairie Township without charge. PLAC and Reciprocal Borrowers may have the same borrowing privileges as other Library card holders. Non-residents may purchase a Library card at a fee set by the Library board. Teachers employed in the local school system may borrow materials for classroom activities by arrangement with the Librarian.
ALL students currently enrolled in Frontier School Corporation (Grades K-12) are eligible to receive a FREE library card regardless of their township of residence. Student(s) &/or guardians need to provide documentation from the Elementary School (available in the Elementary office or corporation office in Chalmers) or current Student ID for Middle/High school students. Student(s) need to renew their card every August.
Services to any individual or group will be denied only for specific infractions, as described in the Library’s policy manual, or by action of the Library board. Services will not be denied to any individual or group because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, or age.

Revised 10/01/06
- Books, Magazines, Newspapers, CDs
On a wide variety of subjects for children and adults - Public access computers.
- Two public meeting rooms, one with kitchenette
- Video Items
- Video/DVD Player (in Library use only)
- Book and video depository
- Reference materials including: Encyclopedias,
Indiana State Code, and Atlases - Telephone Reference
- Teen Room
- History Room
- Handicap accessibility with an elevator
- Children’s and Adult’s Programs
- Photocopying
- Display Cabinets
- Local Reciprocal Borrowing
- Preschool and After School Programs
- Summer Reading Programs