The public meeting rooms of the Brookston Prairie Township Public Library are operated by the Library as part of its community service. In the use of the rooms, Library functions will take precedence over all others.

All civic, community, religious groups, or educational organizations, whose purpose is non-commercial, non-partisan, and non-profit, may use the meeting room at no charge. Political groups may use the room for non-partisan or bi-partisan programs of an educational nature. Commercial, industrial, or professional organizations may use the room for educational purposes, and for other occasional purposes which do not involve the sale of goods. No admission fee may be charged for any meeting held in the room, except a fee may be charged to cover the actual costs of materials or supplies used during the meeting or workshop.

The meeting rooms are available 8:00 a.m. until 11:00 p.m. Reservations must be made in person prior to using the room, a responsible local adult must fill out a Meeting Room Use form. Reservations are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis except they may not be made more than 6 months in advance.

There are 2 rooms available. The Community Room has 10 tables. We can provide 66 chairs. The Seminar Room has 1 long table which will seat 8 people.

Groups are responsible for setting up chairs and tables in the meeting room and restoring the area to its original condition before leaving the building. If using the meeting room before or after library hours, a code must be obtained in advance of the meeting and the doors locked after the meeting.

There is a $25 nonrefundable fee for serving food and/or drinks during functions. Only light refreshments may be served. A small kitchen is available for the meeting room; however the preparation of meals is not allowed. The user is responsible for any food or beverage damage to the carpet. No open flame is allowed. A fee will be assessed against any group that does not restore the room to its original clean condition. Use privileges may be revoked.

A responsible adult must be in attendance whenever minors are present. The Library assumes no responsibility for personal belongings of persons attending meetings or for injuries incurred during non-library meetings.

Smoking is not permitted anywhere in the library, including the restrooms and within 8 feet of the entrances. No alcohol is permitted on library property.

The final decision on room usage is made by the Library Board of Trustees.

LIBRARY HOURS:  Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 1 to 7 p.m.; Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Saturday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.  Address:  111 W. 2nd Street; Brookston, IN 47923 (765) 563-6511

Revised 3/12/08, Revised 7/13/10, Revised 3/7/12, Revised 5/10/16, Revised 6/12/18